North Carolina wins big when Pinehurst hosts the US Open. Four more on the books.
Carteret County Board of Education unanimously votes to appeal judge’s ruling on illegal calendar and influential State Senator weighs-in.
Superior Court Judge rules that Carteret County School calendar goes against state law and is void. Twenty-eight other school districts now risk having to comply with state statute on short notice if challenged.
There’s a growing disconnect between the tourism industry and the public service providers who depend on tourism tax revenue in this costal County.
The North Carolina tourism economy set a new record in 2023 with travelers spending $35.6 billion and generating $2.5 billion in State and Local taxes.
Special thanks to House Majority Leader John Bell, Senator Julie Mayfield and other prominent lawmakers for spending quality time discussing the future of NC tourism with NCTIA board members.
Investing in North Carolina sporting events is paying big dividends.
Survey Says: North Carolina remains a top destination for travelers and likely to have another record setting year!
Early indications look positive for a strong summer travel season with 92% of travelers planning trips. NC Lawmakers hope to join the fun with an planned early summer adjournment.
First month’s revenue results from sports betting significantly exceed expectations.
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1307 W Morehead St, Suite 207Charlotte, NC 28208