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The purpose of the Tourism Achievement Awards is to honor and showcase innovation, best practices, creativity and noteworthy accomplishments from our members. Individuals and destinations are both recognized at the NCTIA Annual Awards Banquet. 

2023 Award Submissions

In recognition of outstanding contributions by individuals and/or organizations for what they presently are doing or have done for the betterment, welfare, progress, recognition, promotion and development of the travel industry of North Carolina.
Click below for the Call for Entries to view more details. 

Tourism Achievement Awards

Individual Award Nomination Forms

Award submission deadline: October 16, 2023

2022-2023 Award Winners

DMANC Rising Star

Kaila'Shea Menendez
Discover Durham

One award given annually to a member bureau or staff member who has worked a total of 3 years or less in a North Carolina bureau and has made an immediate significant impact to his or her organization and to destination marketing in North Carolina.

Tourism Excellence Award for a Business 

CATCH Modern Seafood Cuisine

This award recognizes a business or organization that enhances the statewide promotion of travel to North Carolina. The primary effort may have been for the benefit of the business or organization but must have unquestionably and materially benefited travel promotion and/or development across the State of North Carolina.

Tourism Excellence for an Individual

Dominique Morrison
Honeysuckle Riding Academy

This award recognizes an individual from the private sector who has performed an apparent service to the development and/or promotion of travel to North Carolina. That service must have transcended personal gain. No government official, government employee or government agency can be considered for this award.

NC Visitor Attraction of the Year

Granville Haunt Farm

This award recognizes a North Carolina visitor attraction that exemplifies excellence and sets the standard for an exceptional visitor experience. The successful nomination will include examples of community engagement, visitor interaction and a history of positive impact on visitation.   

Innovation Award

Greater Raleigh CVB

Judges select one submission which exemplifies an innovative approach to communication, organization or promotion. 

Best of Show

Wilmington and Beaches CVB

Judges select one shining example which best exemplifies the complete package of innovation, creativity and results. 

2022-2023 Tourism Achievement Awards

The purpose of the Tourism Achievement Awards is to honor and showcase innovation, best practices, creativity and the results accomplished through our industry’s marketing efforts.

Leisure Marketing





 Large Bureau Gold Wilmington & Beaches CVBMobile Trip Guide
  Platinum Visit Raleigh  Jump In - Reach TV Ads 
 Medium Bureau GoldVisit New BernArts in April
  PlatinumPinehurst Southern Pines CVBPinecone Pathways
 Small Bureau Gold Gaston County TDA Events Calendar Enhancements
  Platinum Visit GoldsboroWings Over Wayne Airshow

Convention Marketing





 Large Bureau GoldVisit RaleighJump In Campaign
  Platinum Wilmington and Beaches CVBVideo Mailer
 Small Bureau Gold  Visit Lake NormanVenue Guide
  Platinum Gaston County TDA Collegiate Sports National Championship 

Group Visitor Marketing





 Large Bureau GoldVisit High Point Veterans Benefit Live Event
  Platinum Visit Raleigh Jump In Campaign
 Small Bureau Gold  Visit Lake Norman Redcrest Anglers
  Platinum Visit New Bern Trail to Tryon

Community Stakeholder Communication





 Large Bureau Gold Outer Banks Visitors Bureau Tourism for Good
  Platinum Currituck Travel and TourismResident Tourism Satisfaction Survey
 Medium Bureau GoldPinehurst Southern Pines CVBMoore Miracles for the Holidays
  Platinum Halifax County TDACelebrating America's 250th Birthday
 Small Bureau Gold  Gaston County TDA Destination Kids Book in Spanish
  Platinum Johnston County Visitors Bureau JCVB Annual Report

NCTIA is a 501(c)6

1307 W Morehead St, Suite 207
Charlotte, NC 28208

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