NCTIA delivers a review of positive tourism policy achieved this session by the General Assembly to the NC Sports Association.
NCTIA’s lobbyist Brian Lewis finishes Cycle NC's Mountains to Coast Ride and shares his thoughts about the trip.
NCTIA is hosting the Tourism Leadership Conference on November 15 - 16.
Budget hangover? Not for long with major alcohol overhaul on deck.
We have a State budget! The NC Rural Tourism Incentive Program was tabled for now but we expect to see it again.
All bets are off for a State budget. The Senate says honor your word and include casinos while the House continues to count votes.
We’re getting close to a major overhaul of North Carolina’s alcohol laws. Senate Bill 527 needs to clear two more House committees before going to the floor for a full chamber vote.
Employees from Charlotte hotels and the convention center compete in Hospitality Olympics! Check out who brought home the gold!
County-level visitor spending and employment data reveals why tourism is so important to North Carolina’s economic wellbeing.
In our Back to School edition, NCTIA features two well researched articles that explain Calendar Law and why rogue districts are being disobedient.
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1307 W Morehead St, Suite 207Charlotte, NC 28208